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QVT(D)-1A/QVT(D)-1B > Gas solenoid valve

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  • QVT(D)-1A/QVT(D)-1B
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    QVT(D)-1A/QVT(D)-1B series solenoid valve

    Applicable to all kinds of commercial single gas oven furnace, scones, with the manufacturer of domestic gas scone furnace, is the domestic manufacturers of scone stove * * accessories.

    The solenoid valve for the oven under fire, 1A for external thread 1B thread. When the accident flameout, will automatically shut down, the whole system and personal protection. With the QHCA, QHCB series can be more humanized energy saving and play better protection.

    Rated voltage DC 12V / DC 24V
    Type of gas LPG、NG
     Airtightness 4.2kpaUnder the condition of closed valve steady pressure 5S≤10ml/hs
     12kpaUnder the condition of open valve steady pressure 5S≤20ml/hs
     Work travel 3±0.2mm
     Loading valve length16±0.05mm 
     Service life ≥50万次

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